The history is full of legends that have still mystified the world. All these legends of different cultures are held as strong beliefs, however some of them have faded away with time.
These famous legends of the world are mentioned below:
Albert Einstein:
1.Einstein's great breakthroughs came from visual experiments performed in his head rather than the lab.
2.Einstein was a slow learner as a child and spoke very slowly.3.The pathologist who made Einstein body's autopsy stole his brain and kept it in a jar for 20 years.
4.Einstein's Nobel Prize money went to his ex-wife as a divorce settlement.
5.Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel which he politely declined.
6.Galileo Galileo was Albert Einstein's favorite scientist.
7.Einstein never received a Nobel prize for relativity.It was actually for the photoelectric effect.
8.Einstein was famous for having a bad memory. He could not remember names, dates and phone numbers.
9.Albert Einstein's eyes remain in a safe box in NYC.
10.Albert Einstein had no car of his own and he also never learned how to drive.